Founder of 'Happyholics'
(April 2013 – present)
More employees are looking for meaning and happiness in their job. We should stimulate these desires for creating flexibility, adaptability and innovation. Our mission? Ensoulment and joy are KPI #1 http://www.happyholics.com/

Millennial expert
(May 2012 – present)
In 2020, 50% of the workforce consists of Millennials. With my expertise I help companies optimize the potential of their young professionals. I do this by giving advice, presentations and workshops.

Trainer @ Leeuwendaal
(October 2014 – 2019)
I designed and executed (leadership) development programs, in which I help the participants in developing behavior that is required to achieve better results with more joy.

Consultant @ Accenture
(Oktober 2010 – 2012)
Analyzing, designing and delivering business requirements for a large telecom company. I was also responsible for developing new business opportunities and leading a team of offshore IT developers.

So who am I?
Hi, my name is Itamar. I am an expert on Millennials and Happiness at work. I coach, train and advice people and organizations. My mission is to inspire everyone in making more impact by showing that work can be full of joy and ensoulment. I do this as co-founder of Happyholics, a training and consultancy firm.
- Happiness at work 99%
- Millennials 90%
- Corporate culture management 80%
- Executive coaching 80%
- Leadership development 85%
Happyholic – noun.
Happy • ho • lic; someone who seeks ensoulment and joy.
In 2014 we coined the term Happyholics. We believe that work should bring inspiration and joy. That’s not only our conviction, it’s our mission. Our goal for 2035? Every organization in the world has Ensoulment and Joy chosen as the most important KPI. Why? Because happy people make high impact.
Happyholics are more engaged, flexible, happy, in touch with their talents and thus more productive. Happyholics are the core in todays working force. Organizations or teams that want to make impact need to empower their happyholics. And we can help. We empower happyholics, leaders and entire organizations in integrating ensoulment and joy in day to day life.
Are you a happyholic? Do you want to join our movement in improving how we work and live our lives? We believe in change through people. We empower happyholics to experience more ensoulment and joy in life and work. We bring happyholics together and we coach them in being more impactful. First step? Identify yourself as a Happyholic. Use it in your LinkedIn header, your Twitter profile and/or use the hashtag on Instagram. Let’s start a movement and change the way we look at work.